
  • Ctrl + P: prettify JSON
  • Ctrl + M: minify JSON
  • Ctrl + S: fold / unfold code
  • Ctrl + F: show search bar
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a versatile data interchange format that represents information in a simple, text-based structure using key-value pairs that both humans and machines can easily understand. Its lightweight and straightforward syntax makes it ideal for data transmission between web servers and browsers. While it originated from JavaScript, JSON has evolved into a universal format that works across many programming languages - you can create and process JSON data using languages like JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Java, among others. This widespread compatibility has made it a popular choice for APIs, web services, and configuration files. Key features of JSON include: - Support for basic data types like strings, numbers, booleans, and null - Ability to nest objects and arrays for complex data structures - Platform and language independence - Minimal punctuation and formatting requirements - Excellent support in modern development tools and frameworks - Smaller file size compared to formats like XML - Natural integration with JavaScript and web technologies Common use cases for JSON include: - RESTful API responses - Web browser-server communication - Application configuration files - Data storage in NoSQL databases - Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) - Mobile app data exchange Wikipedia